Details, scrobbles, heavy rotation, what not...
Monday, June 10, 2024
Rob In der Maur
Just ahead of WWDC 2024, a major new version of Chart Your Music is available from the app store, with a ton of new functionality in this release:

You can now add any playlist as a chart to your collection, not only Apple Music chart playlists. For example, you can add your daily updated Apple Music Heavy Rotations Mix or the Billboard Top 100 playlist on Spotify to a collection. When adding a playlist, you can select whether you want to add the playlist to the collection and pick entries from it later, or immediately create a new chart from the playlist.
A ton of additional information is now available for your chart entries. Tap on the artwork in the entry details and you will find additional information the music service (iTunes, Apple Music, or Spotify) provides. On top of that you can retrieve information from other sources like, Discogs, Genius. If there is more artwork available (for example liner notes, etc.) for a song, an album, an artist, a label, it is displayed in good old fashioned cover flow. You can tap on any artwork to see a full screen version which you can drag and zoom for more details. I know it's still not like having the physical vinyl or CD in your hands but it is at least giving you a glimpse on what it would look like.
The app now offers integration with If you have configured to like/love tracks for a collection, and you actually do like/love one or more entries, these entries are also added to your loved tracks in If you play an entry through the app, the entry is added to your scrobbles. You can configure your account in Settings.
The app also integrates with the beautiful NowPlaying app; an app to explore the hidden stories behind your favourite music & enhance your listening experience.
In the Statistics screen you can now search for Artist, Entry Title amongst all entries and Chart Title amongst all charts.
We've added some utility admin functions as well. For example you can now delete all local reminders to create a new chart and you can make a full backup in JSON of all your collections. That last bit might be handy when you want to move all of your Chart Your Music data to another iCloud account.
Enjoy exploring this new major release! As always, any feedback or suggestion for updates is appreciated. As are ratings and reviews in the app store.