It takes a genius to..
Friday, May 26, 2023
Rob In der Maur
Does it take a genius to find comprehensive information on the music you love and track over time? Sort of… With Chart Your Music’s new integration with Genius, you can now find all details about a song, album, artist directly from within Chart Your Music.
The cool thing is that you can almost lose yourself in all the possible navigation options from every information sheet offered through the Genius integration. From song to album to another song to artist. You want to know who plays bagpipes on Caroline Polacheck's Blood and Butter? We got you covered.

Obviously, there a a number of possible sources to retrieve this kind of information; we picked Genius because of its lightweight API and community driven content. We might consider other sources of data for the future. Let us know your feedback.
The app with Genius integration is already available on the app store.